Thursday, March 5, 2009

U2 and GMA Setting Up for Tomorrow's Show at Fordham

GMA and U2 crews setting up for tomorrow's show on the steps of Keating Hall
(God I miss college...)

Pearl and I took a stroll over to Fordham's campus this afternoon to check out what the hub-bub was regarding the rumored U2 performance for Good Morning America tomorrow.

The show is indeed happening from the steps of Keating Hall... One girl I talked to said that the students are getting a free breakfast at 5am and then they need to be in position on Eddie's Parade at 6:30am... She said she thought the actual show would begin around 8am.

Oh sweet Jesus... this is a recipe for disaster. Thursdays are the big night out for Fordham kids, so I predict many undergrads will be stocking up on supplies and stumbling over to Eddie's after pulling a pretty serious all-nighter (or at least that's what this slightly alcoholic alum would have done)... Ah, the good old days.

By the way, I asked one of the security guys if alums could get on campus for the show and he said "most likely" if they have their ID. Since Pearl's up at 6am anyway, I'll probably head over to check it out. I hope the Jolly Tinker is equipped with a booster seat for some kid-friendly pre-gaming!


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